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Erotic Writing with Lexx Soule S2.E9 (Rose)

Writer's picture: Lexx SouleLexx Soule

“OH……MY…….GOD!” Rose’s jaw drops as her emotions run aghast at what she has just walked into.

Lexx stands behind her, the cheesiest smile completing his face “Do you like it?” he curiously asks.

With her jaw still wide open, she turns, her emote feelings resisting the tears of joy that are puddling behind her eyes, “This is the most beautiful thing that anyone has ever done for me!”. Lexx walks his client into his arms to finish the romantic setting with a warm, strong hug, and kiss on the cheek, his planning earns him an A+ response.

Lexx & Rose have had a professional relationship for ten years, a rare case for Lexx, this month marking their tenth anniversary. Rose reached out to Lexx two years after she walked in on her ex having sex with her best friend in Roses bed; this led to a spiral of negative thoughts and affected her mental health greatly. After deep work with her therapist, she was recommended reaching out to an escort; choosing Lexx based off his genuine, charismatic appeal, with an appearance completely opposite to the man who broke her heart. Since their first booking they have seen each other every few months, and in the last 2 years with her promotion and pay rise she has spent a lot more time with Lexx, hiring him once a month for eight – sixteen hours. Unbeknownst to Lexx though, this could be one of their last experiences together as Rose has recently found a very handsome man that treats her the way Lexx has, she just wants to hold her innocents with this new guy a little longer.

Tonight, Lexx treated Rose to an incredibly cute picnic at Mermaid beach that had candles in a heart shape surround the extra-large soft picnic rug. For dinner Lexx prepared a home-made recipe of honey chicken, vegetarian noodle stir fry, Thai yellow curry, spring rolls, and a couple steam buns. This took him quite some time & preparation as he is not your natural born cook. While enjoying the delicious homemade restaurant food, a man & women show from no-where and start playing the guitar together while singing & humming – something Lexx will never admit too – the  serendipity. What sealed the romantic knot at the hotel and made Rose emote was the large bouquet of flowers on the kitchen table with a card in front; red & white rose pedals, with contrasting small candles littered over the entire room; the lights were dimmed; two caramel scented candles (her favourite) filled the air with sweetness; a small ultra-soft novelty fat stuffed puppy was sitting on the couch; and 3 photos from their time together were framed on the coffee table. Lexx went above and beyond for his amazing & beautiful client tonight, a perfect human in his eyes; never argued with his boundaries, was always prompt, made him laugh more then he did her, sometimes even made Lexx feel like he was the one being taken on a date.


Without a word, without a whisper, Rose pulls herself away from Lexx’s warm hold and kisses him; she puts both hands on his face and gives him the sweetest kiss a pair could enjoy. She breaths, looks down; has her chin pushed back up by Lexx, before hearing the words every woman would die to hear, “you are one of the most gorgeous women in the world, you deserve this!”. Their lips meet again.

Rose grabs Lexx by the hand and walks her fine gentleman to the bedroom where she again is met with more romantic surprises: Plenty of rose pedals, more small candles, a small bouquet of flowers, and another card. The card reads “Thank you for the last 10 years! You have made me feel like sometimes I am the client, you are truly a remarkable woman and with the most respect hope that our time will come to a close one day soon, because you are truly remarkable Rose. Happy 10 years of whatever we call this xoxo. Much care, L. Soule”. Now the flood gates open, Rose turns back and squeezes Lexx with everything she has, the thirty-eight-year-old escort now fighting his own tears.


Rose starts to unbutton Lexx’s blue & white checked shirt, before removing his light brown Hermes belt. “You know, even if we have to say goodbye, I don’t want to ever lose you from my life. Will you keep in contact with me if this relationship must end?” she sobbingly emotes, unable to look at her escort in the eyes. “Look at me” his voice calm & soothing. She obeys, “Should you find the man of your dreams I will break one of my rules for you. You can have my personal number & add me on Facebook”, this response garners another kiss from his client. “But you have to promise me something” Lexx interrupts, “mmmm” is the sulky response he hears back, “You must invite my partners & I to the wedding. We love weddings” Lexx replies with his cheeky, uplifting smile. “I already thought that was occurring” Rose replies staring deep into Lexx’s soul. Lexx makes the first move, passionately making out with Rose like they have 10,000 times before; the energy goes from sensual & romantic to electrifying and passionate, “Wait! The flowers & the card.”, Rose moves the flowers & card out of the room to the kitchen table and returns to her man of the night, resuming the strip of his clothes, and indulging with adult fun.


Thank you for reading,


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